In the fourth part of our series of Q&As with the cast and crew of Once Bitten… we would like to introduce you to our magician with light, cinematographer Mat Johns.
What is your favourite colour?
What was the first film you ever made and how old were you?
A one minute film that I can’t remember the name of… I was about 16-17.
Who is your role model or inspiration?
I have lots of role models and inspirations. From Spielberg to Coppola, Del Toro to Scorsese. My wife. My folks. My friends. My in-laws.
When did you know you wanted to be a film maker?
I saw T2 when I was 8 and wanted to act. Then wanted to be a stuntman. Then to do special effects. In college I got a taste for writing and directing.

What one essential thing do you always have with you on set?
Mag tape or gaffer tape.
What is your favourite biscuit?
Name a film which always makes you happy?
Name a film which always makes you cry?
Brokeback Mountain.
Tea or coffee?
Coffee. Always.

What was the best part of working on Once Bitten…?
The team was the best part. Lovely people.
What sucked the most about working on Once Bitten…?
You know what sucked (he who shall not be named).
What are you working on now / next?
Working on features, music videos & docs.
Any advice for aspiring film makers?
Be active. Listen. Watch. Read. Experience things. Say yes. It all counts. Make films.
Thank you to Mat for sharing his answers with us. Look out for another revealing cast & crew Q&A next week!